Legendary short story writer Lucia Berlin (1936-2004) captured moments of grace in the cafeterias and laundromats of the American Southwest, in the homes of the Bay Area upper class, among switchboard operators and struggling mothers, hitchhikers and bad Christians.
A Manual for Cleaning Women compiles her best work.
In 2002, Margaret Weir and Sophie Constantinou interviewed Berlin and recorded her reading her favorite stories for her long time epistolary pal Kenward Elmslie. Those moments were captured as part of Irons in the Fire, a series of lyrical shorts about artistic collaboration among American writers, poets and artists associated with the New York School. Lucia Berlin is the first artist to be featured in this series.
Project Team
Executive Producer: Kenward Elmslie
William Blackburn Weir
Margaret Weir
Sophie Constantinou
Director/Director of Photography:
Sophie Constantinou
Rachel Antell
Mike Fuller
Jackie Zabel
Lauren Kawana
Photo Archives: Jeffrey Berlin
Please visit www.luciaberlin.com for more information on Lucia Berlin and A Manual For Cleaning Women, released 8/17/15.
“Berlin is unflinching, pulls no punches, and yet the brutality of life is always tempered by her compassion for human frailty, the wit and intelligence of that narrating voice, and her gentle humor.” –Author Lydia Davis